Instruments available for Hire
There are a number of school-owned instruments available for hire. Priority for the allocation of these instruments is given to the 1st Year Violin Ensemble and Training Band.
Training Band students on the smaller wind/brass instruments (i.e. flutes, trumpets, clarinets, bass guitar) should consider purchase of their own instrument at the completion of their first year. Instruments are rented for a 1-year period only; however, allowances are made for children who play the larger more expensive instruments. These children can normally expect to retain their instrument during their time at primary school (i.e. bassoon/French horn, bass clarinet, alto saxophone, tenor & baritone saxophone, trombone, baritone, tuba etc.).
All String Orchestra violin students are expected to provide their own instrument. Exceptions are given to children who play cellos and double bass. Normally they can expect to retain these instruments during their time at primary school.
Once you are in receipt of the school-hired instrument, we expect a high level of care to be given to that instrument and all parts/accessories that accompany that instrument. All accidental and/or deliberate damage of instruments and/or parts/accessories, or loss of instruments and/or parts/accessories will be at the cost of the parents/students. The Music Committee is only responsible for normal wear & tear and servicing of instruments. The Instrument Inventory and Hire Manager must be contacted immediately with all situations affecting school-hired instruments. Please also contact the Instrument Inventory and Hire Manager for all enquiries regarding instrument hire.
Insurance of Instruments
The loss or damage of an instrument is your responsibility. Please make appropriate arrangements to cover such an event should you not be able to wear such a loss privately. Home contents insurance companies offer cover for accidental loss or damage, or theft of instruments ‘away from home’ as a policy add-on upon request.
The school cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage either in transit or on school premises.